
Before you place an order, please read my Term of Service.
All my prices start from the minimum value.
The final price will depend on to the complexity of your commission.
Each additional character is a percentage of the space occupied. The same character will cost differently if you need to draw only his head or his full body.


Portrait $30 USD
Body $40 USD

  • size from 1000x1000 pixels 300 dpi;

  • the bust may include the body, tail, wings. A body with no limit on the number of limbs;

  • artistic freedom.

Sketch in 2-3 hours. No process demonstration and no corrections.
Additional fee:
- adding color from $5 USD;
- additional objects that are not part of the character (clothing, food) from $2 USD apiece, depending on the size.

Only for this type of commission 100% prepayment is provided.


$50 USD

  • 2K pixels 300 dpi. Canvas options can change;

  • a BW fullbody of character with a max of 4 limbs (front and hind legs, or front wings and hind legs like birds or wyverns);

  • BW shade and half tone;

  • clothes for anthro and accessories that are essential for character;

  • the ability to add up to 3 small subjects and/or one large inanimate.

Additional fee:
+ color from $5 USD;
+ limbs from $2 USD depending on the size;
+ leathery wings +$6 USD, feathers wings +$8 USD;
+ two-headed or more characters add +10% of the price of the required product.


$90 USD

  • size 1000x1000 pixels 300 dpi;

  • the background is white, but it is possible to add some lighter shades;

  • only ferals.

Additional fee:
+ complex color from $10 USD;
+ an additional object (food, clothing, toy) that is not part of the character. From $3 USD apiece, depending on the size.
For each added character +100% surcharge from the price. The price may exceed due to the complexity of the color.

I mainly rely on my knowledge of animals. Therefore, before work, I can conduct a small survey to better reflect the childhood of the character.
Also I'll be grateful if you come up with a childish image of the character in advance - the presence or absence of childish attributes that the adult version does not have, a brighter or faded skin color, the presence of fluff or feathers, etc.


$100 USD

  • size from 3000 pixels 300 dpi. Horizontal or vertical format;

  • head to shoulders. Possibility to add wing fragments;

  • the background can be either a blur color palette. Starry or clear sky.

Additional fee:
+ complex color from $20 USD - many spots, shades, stripes;
+ additional objects (paw, clothing, food, animals or small character) from $20 USD apiece, depending on the size;
+ detailed background from $50 USD.
For each head +100% surcharge from the price. The price may exceed due to the complexity of the color

Fullbody lineart

$180 USD

  • 4K pixels 300 dpi. Canvas options can change;

  • a one-color fullbody of character with a max of 4 limbs (front and hind legs, or front wings and hind legs like birds or wyverns);

  • clothes for anthro and accessories that are essential for character;

  • abstract or single color background.

Additional fee:
+ color from +$20 USD;
+ additional paws from $10 USD depending on the size;
+ leathery wings from $20 USD, feathers wings from $35 USD;
+ two-headed or more characters add +10% of the price of the required product;
+ details like scale, fur, feathers etc from +$70 USD;
+ additional objects from $3 USD depending on the size.